Authentic Steppe Mongolia

Fly Fishing

Mongolia is known worldwide as the absolute secret among sport fishermen. Our river camp is located right on one of Mongolia’s top three fishing waters, the crystal clear Eg River. This river is one of the most sought-after “fishing grounds” for the prehistoric Taimen, the largest member of the salmonid family, like trout and grayling

Our Mongolian friends and partners are the driving force behind the Taimen conservation program (“save the taimen”) for the conservation of this great fish. With “Fly Shop Mongolia”, our partners Amara, Ganbat and Esee founded the first and only “Fly Shop” in Mongolia in 2013, which works professionally and in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Tourism to protect the Mongolian nature and waters and preserve Mongolia’s extraordinary wealth of fish. Taimen are only allowed to be caught by “catch & release”, they are kissed after landing and gently returned to the water.

During “Authentic Steppe” we offer all participants a “Basic Fly Fishing” course on the Eg River. The complete fishing tackle including water pants and shoes are provided.

The entire trip is accompanied and staged by the international “Wine & Food edutainer” and certified sport fisherman Roland Birr (oenologist)

The Taste & Travel trip AUTHENTIC STEPPE takes place on fixed dates, but can also be booked individually for closed groups.

For passionate anglers we also offer “customised fly fishing trips” to Mongolia through our partner “Fly Shop Mongolia”. Detailed information and booking options can be found here: “Fly Shop Mongolia”


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